
Our tailored threat scenarios, advanced wargaming exercises,’ and expert advice prepare your team to swiftly and efficiently respond to cyber incidents, significantly reducing the impact and cost of potential breaches

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Incident Response Preparation

Enhance Your Team’s Shield
Against Cyber Threats

Highgate’s team equips businesses with effective
threat response strategies, transforming their approach to cybersecurity and
ensuring data protection..

Remain One Step
Ahead Of The

Our threat emulation exercises will create a well-coordinated team that can respond quickly and effectively, minimizing potential damage.

Master Cyber
Defense Before
you need it

Gain hands-on experience and expert advice through realistic cyberattack scenarios, preparing you for real-world threats.

Hone And Enhance
Your Threat

Learn through a fully scripted wargame, intensely rehearsing your company’s response to cyber threats.

Effective Team

Our services ensure your incident response team is well-prepared and can execute together calmly and swiftly.

Cost Efficiency

Mitigate the average cost of a data breach ($4.45 million in 2023) by being thoroughly prepared for potential threats.

Expert Guidance

Benefit from our extensive wargaming experience and programmatic knowledge to handle any situation.

Wargaming Tabletop Exercises

Experience highly realistic cyberattack scenarios, equipping you with essential hands-on skills. Our seasoned security engineers are on hand to provide expert guidance throughout each exercise, helping to streamline your team’s response and enabling a thorough evaluation and refresh of your existing incident response policies.

  • Experience realistic cyberattack simulations to prepare for actual threats.

  • Gain valuable hands-on experience dealing with tailored threat scenarios.

  • Receive expert advice from Highgate’s security engineers during exercises.

  • Boost teamwork and efficiency during incidents.
  • Review and update incident response policies and playbooks.